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Welcome to the Volunteer Help Center. Thank you for volunteering! eCYBERMISSION is successful because of volunteers like you. Please contact eCYBERMISSION Volunteer Program staff at [email protected] if you need additional assistance.



question_answer Can I volunteer in more than one opportunity?

Yes, a volunteer can serve in multiple opportunities. Ambassadors may be Team Advisors or Mission Mentors. Ambassadors interested in serving as Virtual Judges should contact [email protected]. Mission Mentors can be Ambassadors or Virtual Judges. Mission Mentors cannot be Team Advisors. Virtual Judges can be Mission Mentors but cannot be Ambassadors or Team Advisors.

Volunteer Role Can Serve as Team Advisor Can Serve as Mission Mentor Can Serve as Virtual Judge Can Serve as Ambassador
Ambassador Yes Yes, if not also a Team Advisor Yes (Prior Approval Required) N/A
Mission Mentor No N/A Yes Yes
Virtual Judge No Yes N/A Yes (Prior Approval Required)
Team Advisor N/A No No Yes

question_answer What volunteer opportunities require a background check?

A satisfactory background check, conducted by eCYBERMISSION, is required to volunteer as an Ambassador or a Mission Mentor. Background checks are not required for Virtual Judges.

question_answer Do I have to be a US citizen to volunteer?

You do not need to be a U.S. citizen to volunteer as a Virtual Judge. However, you do need to be a U.S. citizen to volunteer as an Ambassador or Mission Mentor. A satisfactory background check, conducted by eCYBERMISSION, is required to volunteer as an Ambassador or Mission Mentor. Ambassador and Mission Mentor volunteers must have a U.S. Social Security number (SSN) to volunteer in those positions.


question_answer I forgot my password. How do I reset my password?

When you go to the Login Page, next to the "Login" button there is a "Forgot Login/Password" option. Click here and follow the prompts to reset or change your password.

question_answer How do I change my password?

To change your password, login to your volunteer account. On the upper right corner of your screen, click on "My Info." From here, look for "Login Information," and click on the option to "Change Password"


question_answer Where can I download Zoom?

Go to and follow the prompts to download.

question_answer How do I join a Zoom call if I am on a government computer?

If your government computer doesn’t allow Zoom, you can try accessing Zoom from your mobile device or your personal computer. You can also call in to Zoom from your phone.


question_answer I'm not receiving eCYBERMISSION emails.

Please check your spam/junk folder. Also, please add the following email addresses to your safe sender list:
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]

question_answer What do I do if my government or school computer blocks my emails?

In your email account, add the following email addresses as a safe sender:
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
  [email protected]
Alternatively, you can provide a different email address to [email protected].



question_answer Can I volunteer in more than one opportunity?

Yes, a volunteer can serve in multiple opportunities. Ambassadors may be Team Advisors or Mission Mentors. Ambassadors interested in serving as Virtual Judges should contact [email protected]. Mission Mentors can be Ambassadors or Virtual Judges. Mission Mentors cannot be Team Advisors. Virtual Judges can be Mission Mentors but cannot be Ambassadors or Team Advisors.

Volunteer Role Can Serve as Team Advisor Can Serve as Mission Mentor Can Serve as Virtual Judge Can Serve as Ambassador
Ambassador Yes Yes, if not also a Team Advisor Yes (Prior Approval Required) N/A
Mission Mentor No N/A Yes Yes
Virtual Judge No Yes N/A Yes (Prior Approval Required)
Team Advisor N/A No No Yes

question_answer Can a Team Advisor also serve as a Virtual Judge?


question_answer Does eCYBERMISSION provide verification of service hours?

Volunteers can request a letter documenting their service by emailing eCYBERMISSION Volunteer Program Staff at [email protected]. After scoring Mission Folders, Virtual Judges can download their Certificate of Achievement from their Virtual Judge Homepage at the end of the Virtual Judging. Ambassadors and Mission Mentors will receive their Certificate of Achievement via email from the Volunteer Program Staff once they have met their volunteer role requirements.

Volunteer Requirements

question_answer I don't have a background in STEM, can I still volunteer?

You do not need a background in STEM to volunteer. Volunteers can have any background as long as they have a passion for supporting students and an interest in STEM.

question_answer How old do I have to be to volunteer? Can I volunteer if I'm 18 and in High School?

Volunteers must be 18 or older and out of High School to volunteer.

question_answer What volunteer opportunities require a background check?

A satisfactory background check, conducted by eCYBERMISSION, is required to volunteer as an Ambassador or a Mission Mentor. Background checks are not required for Virtual Judges.

question_answer Do I have to be a US citizen to volunteer?

You do not need to be a U.S. citizen to volunteer as a Virtual Judge. However, you do need to be a U.S. citizen to volunteer as an Ambassador or Mission Mentor. A satisfactory background check, conducted by eCYBERMISSION, is required to volunteer as an Ambassador or Mission Mentor. Ambassador and Mission Mentor volunteers must have a U.S. Social Security number (SSN) to volunteer in those positions.

Mission Folder Judging


question_answer How many Mission Folders would I need to judge as a Virtual Judge?

The number of folders we ask our Virtual Judge volunteers to score depends on the number of Virtual Judge volunteers and the number of Mission Folders submitted. On average the number is 10-15 Mission Folders. However, Virtual Judge volunteers may judge as many folders as they would like.

question_answer How long does it take to judge a Mission Folder?

It typically takes 30 to 40 minutes to judge one Mission Folder, however, it can take up to an hour as some teams provide very detailed information about their projects.

question_answer Can I pick the Mission Folders I want to judge?

No, Mission Folders are assigned at random. If you do not wish to score a specific Mission Folder you may cancel scoring on that Mission Folder at any time.

question_answer Are Mission Folders automatically assigned to me?

No, Mission Folders are not automatically assigned to you. To judge Mission Folders, login to your Virtual Judge account and click "Mission Folder Judging Assignments." Then click "Select a Mission Folder to Score." Mission Folders are assigned at random. Once you score your assigned Mission Folder click "Submit Folder."

question_answer What if I don’t feel qualified to judge a specific Mission Folder?

If you do not feel qualified to judge a specific Mission Folder you may cancel scoring on that Mission Folder at any time.

question_answer Does judging Mission Folders count towards volunteer service hours?

Yes, each Virtual Judge receives 1 volunteer service hour per judged Mission Folder. Mission Folders must be submitted in order to count towards volunteer service hours.

question_answer How many Virtual Judges will review each Mission Folder?

A Mission Folder is reviewed, scored, and commented on by three Virtual Judges.

question_answer What happens to the Mission Folder after a team submits it?

The Mission Folder is randomly assigned to up to three Virtual Judges who will review the content of the Mission Folder, including any attachments or supporting web pages that are referenced. Virtual Judges enter a score for each of the three judging criteria, which combine for a total Mission Folder Score of up to 500 points.

At the end of the Virtual Judging Period, scores are tabulated for each team and those with the highest overall score (First-Place State Winners), the second highest overall score (Second-Place State Winners) are identified for each state and grade. To qualify as a winning team, the Mission Folder must receive a composite score of at least 300 and be validated. All 3rd place teams with a composite score of at least 300 will receive an Honorable Mention Award.

The top three scores in each grade in each region will advance to the Regional Judging event. The Regional Judging Panel will review and score these mission folders. The highest scoring team in each grade from each region will be named Regional Winner and will advance to the National Judging& Educational Event.

Scoring and Rubrics

question_answer Where can I find a copy of the Scientific Inquiry and Engineering Design Rubrics?

You can view a copy of the Scientific Inquiry Rubric, Engineering Design - Prototype Rubric and Engineering Design - Model or Drawing Rubric. Rubrics are also included in the Mission Folder that you judge.

question_answer How do I score a Mission Folder?

Login to your account, then click on "Mission Folder Judging Assignments." Click "Select a Folder to Score" and open the Mission Folder. You will see the Mission Folder questions and the rubric on the same screen. Use the rubric to score the Mission Folder. Add a positive and encouraging comment for the team. When you have finished scoring the Mission Folder, the option to "Submit Folder" will appear. Click "Submit Folder" to submit your scores. Please reference the Virtual Judge User Guide for more information.